Ultimate Enemy
Part 4
“I love you, I believe that it wasn’t our destiny to stop him. This was a test of our hatred. We wanted to kill the wrong enemy. Dark Shadow was commanded to kill your family. We have forgotten the real enemy. A wise man once told me, if your feel only anger you are lead to the wrong enemy, that is like you are planning on going to you brother’s party but you go to the wrong party.” Agnes said.
“Wow that’s cool he added the party part.” He said laughing his head off and Agnes literally was laughing her head off, using magic of course. Samson agreed to get the right training. He decide to go with Agnes to search for Daniel The Yellow and Jesrael The White.
Samson had a lot to learn, however, with all the magic Agnes had she couldn’t suspect Joez to be Dark Shadow. How would they have been able to stop evil. So many crazy phenomenons in that world, that which they couldn’t understand. ‘Knowing everything is being immortal’ To know everything you would be able to cheat death, you would outsmart everyone. Sometimes it is best to have a limit of knowledge, cause in the end; we all are beings and we control ourselves, at least we should. What you need to know about magic is; you need knowledge and emotion to fuel your magical ability, therefore you could potentially be immortal. Your limitation is your limit of your mind and soul. In this world you could have a random person who becomes powerful.
Let me tell you about the legend of Jezrael The White. Jezrael The White had his own name. He was once a normal being. His name was Joel, and if you were to call him by that name he would get harsh flashbacks from his past. Everyone has had evil in themselves. Therefore, Jezrael The White had done evil. He was once a thief and a killer. He changed his name and his purpose of living, when he discovered magic. He never wanted to hear the name Joel. That was the reason he left one hundred fifty years ago. Someone pushed his edge, and he ran away hiding from the world.
So if you were to make a fire, such as Dark Shadow did, you would need to use Anger and hatred to fuel the magic of fire. That force wave that Samson did came from his mind realizing the problem. The problem that would have happened if he were to be taught by Joez.
After one year of growing Samson’s relationship with Agnes feeling a connection for a while, he had gained a bunch of knowledge about magic. He had become powerful. He was teaching himself to use anger but not to the extend of hatred. Anger can be controlled, Anger is a beast you can tame.
Samson and Agnes had been searching for Daniel The Yellow. After three more years of searching, they had found him.
“Hi Samson, you have found me! And your knowledge is growing, but don’t let knowledge tame you. Don’t be a slave to knowledge. You have a lot to learn about controlling your emotions and not using it to granted. But believe me when I tell you this, I have never seen a man like you who has been that unpredictable as you. You can become The most wisest of all, and the best sorcerer one day.” Daniel Said.
Daniel was a wise sorcerer, wiser than even Jesrael. He may not be the wisest but he was the most philosophical teacher. And the best prophetic sorcerer.
Samson said, “Let’s go search for Jesrael The White so we can unite and stop Aaron!”
“No! I would highly recommend not bringing in Jesrael on this quest. He has decided not to deal with Anger at all, he is unstable and won’t be any help. Plus I already know where he is and what he will do in the future; only hiding in the dust. I will teach you to use all emotions with control; Anger, Love, Happiness, Fear, and Secret. We call it Secret because everyone has different power in this one. It is kind of like a heart.”
Samson replied, “Okay we will trust you in this, so I will agree to learn magic from you.
After Ten more years Samson had grown more powerful and Agnes had learned much as well. They were ready to plan The Ultimate Battle with Aaron Redex.
One day there were clear stars in the sky and there were candles leading to a pond with lillies. There were to stands that were eight feet high with candle lights. Samson knocked on the door that was from the house they stayed at with Daniel. Agnes opened the door and Samson asked, “Will you follow me to the pond?”
“Of course!” She replied. They slowly walked to the pond they began holding hands while walking there. They looked at each other and smiled. They stood between the stands of candle lights and Samson knelled and asked, “Will you marry me?” and Samson holding a box with a diamond ring that changed colors based on love mood.
Without hesitation she said, “Yes!” She leaned down to hug Samson as he was kneeling, and she fell on Samson and Samson purposely let her fall on him with big hug and kisses. They laughed the rest of the evening. After three weeks they got married. Their wedding was so nice and peaceful, it was just Daniel, Agnes and Samson. Samson wished that his family was there. A few days later Daniel interrupted their kiss.
“Hey, good news; I know where Aaron is. Oh… sorry for interrupting your kiss. I’ll let you get your moment back.” Daniel said very fast.
They were preparing the way to take out Aaron’s apprentices.
During the time when they were planning their invasion. There was something unexpected even by Aaron. When Aaron ‘killed’ Dark Shadow, Aaron wanted him to feel pain and suffering. It wasn’t a quick death. When Aaron said his last words he said, “Here is a lesson for you revealing yourself. It created an open door for him. So long!”
When Aaron left; Dark Shadow wasn’t dead yet, he found someone walking and that person ran over and almost shouted but right before he could, Dark Shadow swapped souls with the guy. Dark Shadow left looking different, sounding different, and random as can be. No one knew this. Not even Daniel The Yellow, Aaron; as I said before, and Jesrael The White.