9 experiences you come across when going to an international school
- People around you speak other languages: When you first enter an international school you may recognize languages but you will here strange languages that you cannot understand. When your friends speak other languages, they tell each other secrets that you cannot know about because they know you can't understand them. Then there is this gutty feeling that you know what they are talking about but do not know the details. For me, I speak three languages; English, Dutch, German. That is not enough for me. There is always people I cannot understand at school. Sometimes people speak your language but have such a different accent, you cannot understand them.
- Racism becomes more of a tease than an offense: Now I don't mean to say that their are no bullies at international schools, but people are more aware of people from other places, usually the teasing is in the friends group, when you don't know someone, don't say something racist to them, they don't know you. So when you do know someone well and you are comfortable teasing each other then sure, make jokes; however make sure you know what you are doing, make sure you aren't making fun of his culture in front of others that are from there. I personally think because people like racist jokes a lot, people don't keep boundaries, often leading to places where you might regret it. I have been to both a public school and an international school, so I know that at a public school people don't know people when there is that one person that is international. I'm saying at public schools, people get more offended. People at International school, or at least the one I went to, people are more used to it.
- People are more open to gossip: When others speak langauges you don't speak, they can easily say something behind your back, even if you hear them, you may not know they are talking about you. I know from experience that gossip is a big thing in my school, I usually have feelings when I get gossiped about. I would say I know the attitudes and small expressions from others to tell me whether they are gossping or not, I guess it is because I am open to making international friends easier. Don't gossip about others, people may not know it at first but when they find out they can feel really hurt. I know it is hard. I have friends that may not go along with eachother so well but with me they do, it is hard; sometimes I choose to pick sides but really I should be on both sides. If someone is gossiping about a peson, it is okay to say, "Don't make fun of people, act like you want to be treated." or something along those lines.
- Wider range in a learning program: There are more learning programs, at my schoolo there was first just AP but now they added IB and we took AP classes away but you can still take AP tests. Since it is an international school, they want to make sure people can get into international universities as well. There are other programs, and some public schools have these options, but there are other programs that I don't klnow because my school doesn't have all the other programs.
- People will recognize more accents: For example, for me when people speak German, there are accents I cannot understand, sometimes the speed is hard to, but then there are accents I completely understand. Now for Dutch that is especially true, I can understand the main general Dutch, but then you have Belgies and southern Dutch had a bit of a different dialect. I lived near Amsterdam so that was pretty easy to understand.
- Always hard deciding where to study and live afterwards: Again for me, (I cannot give a general answer, it is better giving my experience) I do want to study in the US, but I cannot decide where int the US, although for some of my friends it is hard for them to decide where.
- Visas: You can in most places eventually get permanent residency, but if you do not have it, you need to got depending on what is required, (for me it is every year) to get your visa renewed. That can be a pain. For me it is only open like from 8-10:30 in the morning, or something like that, but I cannot renew more than a month early, so I always miss part of day from school.
- Traveling: for my parents work they travel a lot, I often have to go with, so I do travel a lot, I am a TCK (third cultured kid) I would say that I miss friends when I leave.
- pronouncing words differently: When I come to a new school, for example seven years ago I came to Austria, I started going to an international school, I started learning German as was required to learn of course, I had know Dutch already, so it was easy for me to understand them then others just leaning. I would pronounce a word kids would laugh at me when I did that, I even sometimes, it is not exactly this point but, I would sometimes throw in Dutch words, which doesn't always work, sometimes meaning something totally different.
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