Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What I Do When I Can't Come Up With Anything To Write About

  • I find new angles to look at objects
  • The Object from a certain angle gives an Idea
  • I come up with a universe for my story (or our world and I would come up with a location of where my story takes place)
  • I pick two Protagonists so that I can choose which perspective to write (or maybe it is omniscient third person view of focusing on both characters equally)
  • I write my protagonist(s)'s descriptions (how they look, how they act, how they think)
  • I give a couple scenarios that my character may go through (I make sure I know my character even before I decide the plot)
  • I like drawing sketches of my characters so this is where I can add in a couple more characters that will be ideal for the story
  • I choose now finally the names for the charaters (sometimes I leave a few out because I can't think of a name so I fill that character in later)
  • Then I pick a plot using what I like to call the genetic back bone
  1. [wo]man vs. nature
  2. [wo]man vs. [wo]man
  3. [wo]man vs. the environment
  4. [wo]man vs. machines/technology
  5. [wo]man vs. the supernatural
  6. [wo]man vs. self
  7. [wo]man vs. god/religion

  • These genetic backbones become inhanced, I think a bit more in terms of what my universe is like (at this point I already know my universe fully. I just haven't chosen an actual plot yet)
  • Let's say I choose example number 1: [wo]man vs nature (when it says [wo]man it means a person/human being)
  1. Who is my character (I should know by now); what is the nature he/she has to overcome?
  2. I should know my character's weaknesses and strengths; does he/she get help from someone or maybe something, or it could be he/she finds it out for him/herself.
  3. Now I like to start with writing keypoints for the introduction, climax, and resolution.
  4. Then I make a story line for my plot, or a time line. I fill in between the intro, climax, and resolution by writing chapter headlines 
  5. By now I know what chapters I want in my story and if it is neccessary, I can always add more chapters.
  6. Now I write each chapter with everything I want in it (scene description, dialog, action descriptions)
  7. Then I read through the chapter I finished and work on anything misspelled or gramatically wrong, then I repeat that process for every chapter
  • Now I like to decide whether I want to make a sequal or not
I am planning to do a challenge to write at least one post in each day of February. In that month I will share with you guys my whole story designing of a new story that I am interested in. (I will be sharing my story in order of this paper starting with my idea of the universe it is in to writing my discriptions for my characters, to writing the plot, to writing the chapters and etc.)

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