Saturday, February 11, 2017

Day 11of the February Challenge

Hiding from God?

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Can you really run away from God? Why does God sometimes ask questions if he is omniscient? Can we really stop running from God? 

There are stories in the Bible where people have ran from God thinking God won't know where they hide, but God makes it clear he always knows where they are. There are people now a days running from God. I think Most people don't realize that they are running away, and I think some know they are running away. There is a story in the Bible that may seem controversial and makes you wonder if God really is omniscient or not. Today we will find out why he asks us questions. 

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

Why did God need to call out and say 'Where are you?' Is it because he didn't know? No, it was because God was putting himself lower to a point of asking a question, and actually this was the second question God asked. God asked Satan a question before. The thing is that Satan wanted to challenge God by questioning God, but really God questioned Satan. Ultimately saying that God is more powerful than Satan. But Why does he have to bring himself to a lower level to ask where Adam was? Because it is hard to give an analogy, I'll try to give one as close as possible. It is kind of like when your parents ask you a question, maybe like, "Did you hit your sister?" or "Did you steal from the candy stash?" You parents obviously know that you did it. They just want to implement that what they did was wrong and actually hear the words that the parents used, for example 'steal', 'hit', etc.  God wanted to let Adam think about the question God asked him. As I said before, words are powerful, so when Adam said in verse 10: 

“I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

This actually had Adam think before he answered. I do believe that even if we were Omniscient, we could still ask questions but only if you asked people who weren't omniscient, because there is no point asking a question to someone who is omniscient because they know what your question means and why they asked that. This gets quite confusing so I'll try to make it a bit easier to understand.

Since God is Omnipresent, he knows where you are, so you cannot hide from God. Can we stop trying to run from God? Ultimately yes, but there is always going to be shameful or guilty moments in our lives that we run from God. I would say, if you have an inimate relationship and you are willing to always talk to him, you will not feel the need to run.

Thank You so much for reading and you can check my YouTube channel by going here: Creative Ganger

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