Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 6 of the February daily challenge

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Warning! This post may offend you! I am here to tell you my opinion and my insight on why I don't like swearing and why I think it is wrong. You have been warned!

If you don't mind I will add in biblical scripture to testify my belief on this topic. I may bring in other sources too.

First of all, what do I accomplish if I swore? Why do I ignore friends when they swear? Is there really a reason not to like swearing? Is swearing even bad?

To answer the first question:
  • If I were to swear, it seems to me, like it is a cheap way out of anger. 
For example. If I were to get angry at a teacher or a friend who just ticks me off. Do I swear or do I actually take the time to tell them why I'm angry instead of being immature and leaving the anger dwel inside of me. I think a lot about getting my ideas clear out of my mind. Yes, in some ways you could say swearing clears your mind. At what extent? To be honest. Swearing is just like any everyday english word (or if in your native tongue or what ever) It just doesn't seem professional to me to swear. Even just to write swear words online. I take professionalism pretty seiously.

On to the next question: Why do I ignore my friends when they swear? To be honest it does annoy me. I mean I have friends who swear every single minute. That gets very annoying. I never felt the need to just go up and tell someone to stop swearing. I shouldn't change my friends into something unlike themselves. That doesn't mean I don't have to encourage friends to not use swear words. I mean this all so far my intake on this and my opinion. but don't worry I'll brig in points.

Is there a reason not to like swear words? Yes, in my opinion and what I've experienced around me is that, yes almost everyone likes to swear these days. But that doesn't mean people don't get offended by swear words. I think we have come to a point to where we are so confident in our word choice, we forget about other people and how they are effected by our words. Let me just clarify, I am a Christian and my favorite bible verse is "The tongue has the power of life and death. Those who love it, will eat its fruit" Proverbs 18:21 Now this isn't just some mumbo jumbo. This can apply to everyone in my opinion. You don't realize it but when let's say you hate a sibling so bad you wish he were dead. That is on strong thought in general. WHen you go out and say it outloud I believe it has more significance to the whole matter. First of all people do get heart when maybe you actual tell them. Okay let's get on to more...

Is swearing even bad? Matthew 5:33-37 "Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord. But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'-- anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” In this passage, Jesus is saying that swearing is like an oath. When you make an oath you must keep your oaths. Then he sais, you shall not swear either by heaven or God's throne. basically saying, don't even bother making an oath if you aren't even certain ou can keep it. Then he sais, therefore let your yes be yes and no's be no. Notheing more or less. 

I think in modern days swearing is still kind of an oath. let's say you stub your toe and say what the f. you are basically saying "I swear that hurt so much." or let's say you get angy and you use the f word. sometimes, from what i've heard someone might add, I swear if he does this one more time... He is making an oath. 

Just tell the truth. Say yes or no. Don't use swear words. Try to deal with your anger and just keep yourself trustworthy by not swearing and only saying yes or no. There is a reason if you swear infront of your boss, why they might fire you.

Sorry if I offended anyone. I'm just trying to clear my thoughts that were going through my mind lately. If you like this, please let me know. If you want more explanation on an area let me also know, I tried not to get to deep in the questions and make it to long, I might have missed a couple thoughts. Do not be afraid to ask me. If you haven't seen it already and you want to check my latest YouTube video on my channel go here: 

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